Case Study - Athlog

A collaborative SaaS platform for athletes and coaches

Full-Stack Web Development


Athlog is a SaaS web application designed to facilitate collaboration between athletes and coaches. It provides a comprehensive platform for managing training schedules, tracking performance, and enhancing communication in the sports world.

We built Athlog as a full-stack application, focusing on creating an intuitive user experience for both athletes and coaches. The platform allows athletes to maintain detailed training diaries, while coaches can efficiently plan workouts, schedule competitions, and manage groups of athletes.

Key features of Athlog include:

  • Personal training diaries for athletes
  • Workout planning and scheduling tools
  • Competition management
  • Group creation and oversight for coaches
  • Performance tracking and analytics

The application uses a React frontend for a responsive and interactive user interface, coupled with a robust Node.js backend to handle data processing and storage. We implemented real-time updates to ensure seamless collaboration between athletes and coaches.

Discover how we help athletes

What I did

  • Full-Stack Development
  • User Experience Design
  • Real-time Collaboration
  • Performance Analytics
Active users
Trainings planned
Diaries recorded

Athlog has become an essential tool for athletes and coaches across various sports disciplines. The platform's intuitive design and comprehensive feature set have led to high user engagement and satisfaction. We continue to gather feedback and implement new features to ensure Athlog remains at the forefront of sports management technology.


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