My work - Proven solutions for real-world problems.

I believe in simplicity. Solutions that solve problems, are easy to use and adapt. No over-engineering.

Case studies


Full-Stack Web Development


Athlog — We developed a comprehensive web application for athlete-coach collaboration.

The platform features training diaries, workout planning, competition scheduling, and group management, enhancing communication and performance tracking in sports.

Blockchain Trust Solutions AG

Blockchain development


SwissDLT is a swiss based proof of authority blockchain. Featuring over 20 institutional node operators running all operations in Switzerland and enabling jurisdictional clarity for all participants.

I led the development efforts, working on different parts of the infrastructure and tooling. Including nodes, block-explorer and swaps.

Silas' knowledge in blockchain and his ability to break down complex topics had a huge impact in the success of SwissDLT.

Toni Caradonna, CTO BCTS AG


Web app development, AI

AI Chatbots, trained on your data

Chatklar is an innovative web application designed to revolutionize customer support on company websites. It features an advanced chatbot, tailored specifically to each company’s unique data and operational needs. This chatbot serves as an intelligent support agent, streamlining customer interactions and providing instant, accurate responses to inquiries.

By leveraging AI, Chatklar ensures a more engaging and efficient experience for both businesses and their customers.

Aura Finance

Frontend & Backend Development

DeFi Dashboard

Aura Finance — We developed a leading data analytics dashboard for the DeFi protocol.

Featuring essential data we also introduced voting incentives analytics and DAO financials. Stats which were not accessible before, making the onboarding and interaction with the protocl much easier for all users

Silas has been an essential part in our software projects and always did a fantastic job. We would work with him again anytime.


You’re in good company

  • Operal AG
  • scenic swisscoast gmbh
  • aura

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